Let me first start by saying that we’ve all messed up. We have.
Not one of you reading this can say that you’re perfect. I’m certainly not.
This goes all the way back to the beginning. You know the story. In Genesis Adam & Eve had it perfect but what happened? This little sweet-talking-innocent-portraying-what-me-snake showed up and messed everything up.
Adam ate the apple. Eve at the apple and here we are.
What apple have you taken a bite of today? How have you…you can call it what you want…tricked, coerced, convinced, unaware, didn’t-know, no-body-was-supposed-to-find-out, was it really that bad…sinned today?
So now that you have, now what?
How are you going to get through this?
How long ago was it and you’re still being reminded of it and just can’t get over it?
Let’s go back and look a the couple we started with…”When the cool evening breezes were blowing the man and his wife heard the Lord God walking about in the garden. So they hid from the Lord God among the trees.” Genesis 3:8
They hid. How many of us hide from God when we mess up? How many think they can hide from God?
“Then the Lord God called to the man, ‘Where are you?’” Genesis 3:9
When we are alone and lost in our sin. When we think times are at their worst and we run from God…God calls out to us “Where are you?”
“He replied, ‘I heard you walking in the garden, so I hid. I was afraid because I was naked.’” Genesis 3:10
“Who told you that you were naked?” Genesis 3:1
Now you may not have eaten the apple from the Tree of Knowledge and Good and Evil…. but, maybe you’re dealing with something that you did do and just can’t seem to get over it.
You keep thinking that God is punishing you for the constant reminder of that thing. You keep thinking that God is putting you in your place because you screwed up. You’re ashamed and believe the things that are constantly going off in your head.
I want to ask you the same question God asked Adam….Who told you that?
Who told you you can’t be a good dad because your dad really messed up?
Who told you that you can’t serve the Lord because of your past?
Who told you that you can’t get over your divorce?
Who told you that you can’t bet over that addiction in your life because you’ve tried before and failed?
Who told you that you screwed up so bad that you’ll never get out of it?
Who told you that God can never love you?
Who told you that?
God didn’t. GOD DIDN’T!!…. Let me be clear on those constant voices in your head:
“The serpent deceived me…” Genesis 3:13
Satan is the Master of all deception. He wants you to fail. He wants to tear apart your family. He wants nothing more than to fool you into thinking that you can never overcome your sins.
I have bad news. You can’t. You can’t on your own.
God sent his Son to die on the cross for you. He sent his Son to take on the sins of the world. Your sins. My sins.
“God so loved the world that he sent his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
This is not a free pass to constantly do whatever you want with no consequences. God has a selective memory…not a defective one. When you come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, he remembers the time you called out to Him.
He’s calling out to you? Where are you?
Don’t listen to the lies that you cannot overcome and are not good enough, that it’s impossible… Listen and answer for yourself…Who told me that?
Maintain the fantastic posts. I like reading stuff like this.