Working on the university campus, I get to talk with our futures best and brightest who study knowledge, seek truth, and ponder a myriad of ideas. But, sadly, this is what I find: college students, both Christian and non, do not know the gospel (the foundation of all knowledge, the truth that governs all other truth, and the most profound set of ideas).
Let me explain. I regularly find myself engaged in conversations with students and eventually I’ll ask if they are a Christian. Even if they respond, “yes”, I normally share the gospel and 9 times out of 10 they say, “I’ve never heard that before”. Again, I’m even talking about self-proclaiming “Christian” students.
What effects does this have? Well, first of all, I’m not sure if they are Christians. I’m not saying they aren’t, but I’m also not saying they are.
We try and sum up the gospel in five points:
Students are most shocked and confused by the rebellion and judgment portions of the gospel. They’ve never thought of themselves as wicked or as enemies of God and never knew that God was going to pour out his wrath upon them.
They believe Jesus “saves” them, but when asked, “Saves you from what?” they give a confused, deer-in-headlights sort of look. They generally respond with a, “Jesus loves everyone, but you can believe whatever you want and I’m not going to push my beliefs on you. You can live your life however you want and everyone will go to heaven (some really nice place with clouds, angels, and harps) except for very, very bad people like Hitler” type of answer.
This is what I call “the gospel mirage”. Have you ever seen one of those movies where some guy, stranded in the middle of the desert, sees some indescribable oasis in the near distance? He tries to get there, groping for water, but just when in reach it vanishes. It isn’t real. It’s not there. That’s what’s happening with these students. Their gospel isn’t real. It’s not there. It is a mirage.
So, returning to the question, what effects will this have?
These are massive effects. No way around it.
Let me offer 3 responses:
First, pray. Beg the Father that these upcoming generations would seek, know, and respond to the true gospel and the true God.
Second, know the gospel, live the gospel, and share the gospel yourself. Whether you’re part of this generation or another, lead the way by living a life marked by confession, repentance, fruits of the Spirit, and power and teach others to do the same.
Lastly, pastors and churches, preach the entire gospel without avoiding hard truths of Scripture to cater to the crowds, but also help your body to respond well to these truths. Also, create spaces to train your people in sharing the gospel. This will help them to clarify misunderstandings, internalize its truths more deeply, and share it with others.
Come. Let’s make disciples.
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