“Christ has worked through our relationship in many ways. But I think the most has been through world traveling. Before me and Lilly even started dating we were traveling the world together. In June of 2003 we first traveled together to South America and many different times to Mexico throughout the years after. Together we would see people’s lives being changed by God as we traveled with an evangelist from our church. After we started dating God allowed us to travel to Africa together to help build schools for orphans. Now as we journey through marriage I’m excited to see where God will take us next.”
“My love for Lilly has grown throughout the years as we’ve dated by seeing her heart as a heart that seeks after God. A few years ago I attended bible school out of town. I was gone for two years, and although through times like that you would think that our love would grow apart because of the distance; it only got stronger. As our love for God grew our love for each other grew as we began to find out our visions and plans for the future.”
–To have your Engagement featured in Valley Christian Wedding & Engagements, email stella@valleychristianmagazine.com