“I will search for faithful people to be my companions,
that they may dwell with me.”
-Psalm 101:6
The Psalmist says something very remarkable in verse six. He says, “I will search for faithful people to be my companions.”
A “companion” is a friend. Often, we view the discovery of friends in kind of a happen-stance manner. Indeed, friendships frequently emerge out of such seemingly spontaneous settings and meetings. You meet someone. There’s some sort of chemistry or similar common interest and affinity. Then, perhaps over time, a friendship develops.
But, the Psalmist doesn’t seem to be speaking of such scenarios here. He says, “I will search.” He’s intentionally on the look out. For what? A companion. For the Psalmist, he’s not merely looking for a friend, as in an acquaintance. A companion is something much deeper. The word “companion” was also used to describe “pillars that would provide support at an entrance or doorway of a building.” A companion is a person we can live life with. Not just anyone will suffice, the Psalmist says that he’s looking for those who are “faithful.”
The Psalmist may have many acquaintances, but he recognizes that there are those who transcend beyond surface familiarity into the realm of companionship. A companion is one who has access and the ability to speak into our lives, to know us deeply, and to be known by us. They have permission to ask us about the tone we use with our kids when we’re frustrated. They are close enough to discern the times we’re spending more time at the office than is healthy for our family. A companion is like a guardrail. At times, they are God’s instrument for keeping us on the road and out of the ditch. But a companion is more than that.
A faithful companion is someone who helps us pay attention to what God is doing in our life. This is significant! They help us pay attention to what God is doing in our life. In other words, they know not only our struggles, but our strengths as well. They are someone that we can share things like, “this is what God showed me in Scripture this morning… This morning, while I was praying, I sensed God saying…”
A companion is someone who knows not only our hopes and dreams, but also the hidden fears that often keep us from pursuing them. A companion reminds us of the folly of such fears and there mere companionship infuses encouragement into our souls.
The Psalmist knows that a healthy soul is often the byproduct of having with-life companions. Our lives are shaped by those we “dwell” with and who are allowed speak into our lives and influence us.
We all have friends…
But, how many are faithful companions? How many faithful companions do you have currently? People who know who you are? Someone who knows your dreams, your fears, your frustrations and so forth?
What would it look like for you to “search for faithful people” in your life?
How many people consider you one of their faithful companions…?
“A friend is someone who
asks how you are doing and then waits around
long enough for you to answer.”
Henri Nouwen
How many people do you demonstrate this quality to…? How many people ask you “how you are doing,” and then wait around for the answer…?
We all need faithful companions! May we develop the intentionality to “search,” and, a keen “eye” to see those who God is putting in our path to journey with…