Published by Worthy
I am often more like the fool than the wise man, and I return to my folly more often than I ought. It would be nice to find wisdom pills that can be digested with the resulted wisdom I need for the day. Vitamin BYT, Bite Your Tongue, would come in handy. A dose of Vitamin LP, Loving Reproof, would help me when dealing with my children at home and with my students at school. There are no such vitamins, but fortunately God provides small doses of wisdom throughout the book of Proverbs to help guide us.
Charles Swindoll’s Living the Proverbs is a devotional for Christ followers. Its subtitle Insight for the Daily Grind reminds us that life is tough, and a bit of insight from God’s word can help.
The devotional can fill 26 weeks of your life, or it can be a resource for time of need. The book of Proverbs addresses a lot of life’s issues, such as the following:
Charles Swindoll discusses these issues and more in his book. Each topic fills one week of devotion.
The topic that resonates with me is covered in two weeks, The Grind of an Uncontrolled Tongue. Swindoll does a nice job with this topic in particular. He covers five wrong ways the tongue can be used in the first part:
In the second section of The Grind of an Uncontrolled Tongue, Swindoll walks the reader through some ways that help avoid the problems previously discussed.
As the topics are addressed, Swindoll uses the truth of God’s word to help us see the problem and address it practically.
Biblical wisdom is an asset that is lacking even among Christians. Even if this book does not make it to your shelf, turn to the pages of Proverbs in the Bible and learn and apply the wisdom that comes from God.