Bible Doctrine
Author: Wayne Grudem
Publisher: Zondervan
Is the Bible just another book among the great literature of the world?
I believe the Bible is the Word of God; it is God’s way of making Himself known to humanity. The Bible is a book written and compiled by humans who were mysteriously led by the Spirit of the Living God. “All Scripture is inspired by God . . .” (2 Timothy 3:16) “For no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.” (2 Peter 1:21)
My faith is informed by my understanding of God’s Word, but my thoughts need to be tested by centuries of Christian teaching. Yes! The Holy Spirit teaches us, but we can use some help from pastors, scholars, teachers, and perhaps a good book that covers topics you may have questions to regarding the Christian Faith.
Bible Doctrine is a great book for knowing about the “Essential Teachings of the Christian Faith.” Wayne Grudem is a great scholar who has taken the time to write a book that is not for the scholar only. This book is written in everyday language for anyone.
Grudem divides his book into seven sections; the doctrines of:
Grudem does not just tell you what to believe on every teaching, he gives different points of view on certain topics. For example, on the teaching about the future, he presents the views of pre-millenialism, amillenialism, and post-millenialism (which will not be discussed now).
The benefit of the book is that it is a resource to help you walk you through questions you may have about any of the topics listed above.
Whether you are new to the faith, young, or old in the faith; this book is a great tool to sharpen your understanding about God and His Word. It is only a tool, because nothing can replace the God’s word.