Aug 2014
I once read a story about a sweet little girl named Ellise. Her father had widowed when she was just a baby. Nine years had gone by and dad had done a great job at raising her. Life wasn’t easy and money was scarce yet he managed to provide for her every need. Dad was always there, he was a man of his word and he never failed his sweet little girl.
One Saturday afternoon they both went for a walk downtown. They held hands as they strolled down the shopping strip while gazing into the store fronts. Ellise’s eyes lit up the moment she saw a beautiful white dress on a mannequin. Her father quickly noticed her interest in the item and inquired if she would be interested in having it. Without hesitation and with joy exuding her every pour she replied YES. Her father told her they would have to come back the following week after payday. She hopped, skipped and jumped her way back home.
The following Monday Ellise showed up to school wearing the same torn and tattered dress she had been wearing for a very long time. However this time there was something different about her and the rest of the children noticed. They couldn’t comprehend what the source of her joy was. She told them she was excited to have a new dress. Her classmates laughed and ridiculed her since all they saw was the same old torn dress. Their words didn’t put her down or destroy her hope. She knew in her heart that her daddy wouldn’t fail and come next Monday she would be wearing a brand new dress…and that she did. That’s what I call faith
I have oftentimes heard people say that faith is blind and I beg to differ. Faith isn’t blind when you put your trust in the One True God – The Heavenly Father who never fails us and always keeps His promises. Ellise’s story is a perfect example of childlike faith (Matt 18:3), the kind of
Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see – Hebrews 11:1
faith that we should exemplify at all times regardless of the circumstances that may surround us. Whatever you are believing for in your life, if God has made us a promise through His Word then you must stand firm and believe that He will come through. Our Father desires to see us progressing, moving forward, overcoming, walking in victory, being consecrated, living holy, walking in deliverance and prospering. However, the enemy of our soul desires to see us falling, failing, getting sick, depressed, defeated, being poor and living in sheer bondage.
If you constantly envision yourself failing you will never succeed, envision yourself sick and I assure you that you will never walk in complete healing. Your recurring negative thoughts position yourself for defeat and it is at that moment when you have become your greatest detriment. The reason some people are faltering and failing right now is they have a visualization of themselves that does not coincide with the Word of God. And what you visualize in your spirit will materialize in due season.
In 1 Kings we read about the prophet Elijah sending his servant to inform the king to eat and drink and get ready for an abundance of rain was soon to fall. It had been 3 and half years since it had rained last and everything around them had dried up and withered. There were absolutely no signs of rain. His only assurance…God’s promise. He stood firm and believed. His faith was totally vested in God. If He said it… He will do it.
I can’t see it, I can’t hear it, I can’t sense it at all BUT I know there is an abundance of rain.
He sent his servant to the hills to see if there were any signs. Time and time again he came back with depressing news. On the seventh time he came back and informed Elijah that there was a cloud the size of a man’s hand. Elijah continued to believe and trust in the Lord’s promises. Though the outward signs were embryonic he knew in his heart that God would never fail him. He shut out the external voices and prayed and sure enough…IT POURED! God answered.
Elisha never gave up, he never gave in, he did not become complacent and get used to the drought. He arose up in faith and declared the promises of the Lord.
He never envisioned a minuscule cloud, he focused on the abundant clouds, the pouring rains, he didn’t listen to the voices of doubt, he tuned in to the spirit and filled himself with faith.
Elisha experienced breakthrough because he didn’t give up. He fought the good fight…
People of great faith:
Perhaps you have been tempted to give up and give in because you gotten tired of waiting for your miracle. I want to encourage you to rise up, fill yourself with faith, position yourself and get ready for your breakthrough. The abundance of rain is on its way!